+97126665553 أوقات الدوام: من السبت إلى الجمعة 9:00 لل 23:00


You don't need to worry about confirming with the driver. Once we receive the required information from your end plus confirmation, we will personally contact our chauffeurs and provide them with the details. You'll receive confirmation from us.

Contacting the company's customer hotline will help you track how much time your driver needs to arrive at your location or if you have any other concerns.

There hasn't been a record of professional chauffeurs not arriving on time to the location you've requested. However, you could always contact the company's customer hotline for assistance.
If anything happened that might affect your scheduled request, we would manage it and inform you of any rescheduling if needed.

Canceling your chauffeur ride can be done by simply contacting the company and informing them 48 hours prior to the scheduled trip. Doing so won't result in any extra charges, and the client will be fully refunded.
However, canceling less than 48 hours prior to the scheduled appointment will not be refunded.

You don't need to worry about confirming with the driver. Once we receive the required information from your end plus confirmation, we will personally contact our chauffeurs and provide them with the details. You'll receive confirmation from us.

Contacting the company's customer hotline will help you track how much time your driver needs to arrive at your location or if you have any other concerns.

There hasn't been a record of professional chauffeurs not arriving on time to the location you've requested. However, you could always contact the company's customer hotline for assistance.
If anything happened that might affect your scheduled request, we would manage it and inform you of any rescheduling if needed.

Canceling your chauffeur ride can be done by simply contacting the company and informing them 48 hours prior to the scheduled trip. Doing so won't result in any extra charges, and the client will be fully refunded.
However, canceling less than 48 hours prior to the scheduled appointment will not be refunded.
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